Climate Change Task Force

We are a group of citizens of Unama’ki (Cape Breton Island) deeply concerned about environmental degradation and climate change and the impacts on all living beings. We aim to promote environmental awareness and concrete action to combat climate change through education, advocacy, community mobilization, and investment in local green initiatives.

We envision inclusive, resilient and environmentally conscious communities where equity and respect for diversity ensure that prosperity is understood as wellbeing for all. We seek to support individuals, businesses and government in growing the green economy. We imagine forging relationships with individuals, organizations and communities outside of our region who share a belief in advancing the right to a healthy environment.

Dr. Sarah Barnes Presentation at the Glace Bay Library!

Please join us for an evening learning more about the effects from the Donkin Coal Mine from Dr. Sarah Barnes, Assistant Professor at Cape Breton University.

Monday, July 24: Glace Bay Library, 6-7:30 pm

All are welcome, we hope to see you there!

Listen to Dr. Barnes on CBC Mainstreet, discussing the Donkin mine noise study. This interview aired July 18, 2023.


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